15 minute at-home booty burner [using lioness booty bands!]

sometimes the day gets away from us and we just can’t make it to the gym—and that’s ok! that happens. but on those days we still try to move our bodies in some way because, as we always say, some movement is better than no movement at all. and on those days we turn to our trusty Lioness booty bands to help us make it happen! today we have a 15 minute booty burner for you! this will be a TABATA workout meaning you’ll :45 seconds of work with :15 seconds of rest—remember, there’s no need to rush through the movements, your form matters so much more than the number of reps you complete. slow and steady and in control wins the race here.

15 minute TABATA

3 Rounds :: :45 seconds work, :15 seconds rest

- banded narrow stance squat :: light or dark blue band just above the knees

- crab walks :: dark blue or salmon band around the ankles, step side to side

- fire hydrants :: on all fours with the light or dark blue band just above the knees

- donkey kickbacks :: on all fours with the light or dark blue band just above the knees

- raised glute bridge with a pulse :: with the light or dark blue band just above the knees