a manifesting success story ✨

if you know me, you know that I am a big traveler and i love vision boarding. I’m always on the go and I’m ok with that! I love discovering new places, experiencing new cultures, and being exposed to things I never would’ve even known about otherwise. i was a nerd in high school, so I do love me a textbook, but it can only teach you so much! real world experience can give you so much more. something I heard about a couple years ago was to set your passwords as intentions or goals or something you’re manifesting because you utilize them so frequently. it’s essentially an unintentional daily affirmation to yourself. to tie it all together, I have been dreaming of going to Australia for years—I’ve traveled quite a bit throughout Europe, a little through southeast Asia but have always dreamed of seeing Australia. so this last year, I made my password was : Australia2024! — don’t worry they’re all changed to this year’s affirmation now! as for vision boarding, I made my 2024 vision board and found the word “Australia” within a magazine, so I obviously had to cut it out and put it on my vision board. the vision board that I look at every. single. day.

now, all 2023 I had zero plans for this to actually happen, I just knew I wanted it to happen. I suggested it to a couple friends but it never worked in their schedules. I let it go for awhile and while on Christmas break with my family, at the dinner table, everyone went around and said where they would go if they could travel anywhere in the world—of course, my answer was Australia. lo and behold, at the end of Christmas break a friend reached out to me about a last minute trip they’re taking to Australia at the end of January. and here we are. it’s all happening. now i’m not sure if it was the manifesting, the visualizing, the constant calling it in and putting it out into the universe or a combination of all three but I’ll count it as a win.