journaling prompts for anxiety and depression

as the weather gets cooler, we want to acknowledge that seasonal depression is real and worth noting. if the change in seasons and lack of sunlight on your face creates a notable shift in your happiness, you’re not alone. there are many other reasons for depressed feelings and remember, all feelings are valid. so no matter what has got you down, journal about it. see where your words take you.

  1. What hurts right now? How can I find relief?

  2. When I look in the mirror, what do I see?

  3. What are the things in my home that are the most “me”?

  4. What am I doing right now?

  5. What happened before I felt a shift in my mood?

  6. Write down an entire list of what you are worried about. Star the items that you know are 100% true and not solely a feeling.