a killer shoulder workout !

watch out lioness, this one isn’t for the faint-of-heart. this workout is sure to burner those shoulder muscles of yours and in doing so—help those babies GROW ! so, without any further ado, here it is:

the warm-up—

grab PVC pipe and do some up-and-overs

around-the-worlds with the PVC pipe

5 inch worms with a push-up

the work—

125 reps of side lateral raise :: this should be a light weight, start with 5-8lb dumbbells and lower (or raise!) if needed. aim for 20-25 reps until you hit 125 reps

rest for 3 minutes

20 reps of dumbbell front raises

then drop weight 10-30% lighter for another 20 reps with no rest between first set!

then 10 reps with a heavier set of dumbbells

rest for 1-2 minutes

finish with 8 reps with your heavier set of dumbbells

rest for 2-3 minutes

grab a smaller barbell or medium-sized dumbbell

4 sets of 20 reps :: standing strict shoulder press

  • 1-2 minute rest between sets

20 reps of dumbbell Arnold press

then drop weight by 10-30% less for another 20 reps no rest between!

next is your heavier set for 12 reps :: slow tempo

the finisher—

150 reps of dumbbell seated shoulder press :: light weight