why we stretch before and after a workout [and the difference!]

ohhh stretching – the unsung hero of our workout routine. whether you're a seasoned gym-goer or just starting on your fitness journey, knowing when and how to stretch can make a big difference. in this blog post, we'll break down the differences between stretching before and after a workout and help you figure out what's right for you.

why we stretch before a workout ::

stretching before you dive into your workout has been a tradition for ages. the idea is to get your muscles ready for the action ahead. here's what you need to know:

  1. warm-up magic :: pre-workout stretching gets your blood pumping to your muscles. it's like giving them a gentle wake-up call, making them more flexible and ready for action. think of it as your workout's warm-up act.

  2. flexibility boost :: stretching before your workout can give you a temporary boost in flexibility. if you're into activities that require bendiness (like yoga or dancing), this is your time to shine. but we suggest sticking to dynamic stretches versus static stretches due to research suggesting that holding static stretches too long before intense workouts might zap your muscle power. so, if you're planning on lifting weights or sprinting, be cautious with your pre-workout stretches.

  3. mental prep :: pre-workout stretching isn't just about your body; it's also about your mind. it's like a mental pep talk that gets you in the right headspace for your workout. it helps you focus and build a strong connection between your mind and muscles.

but wait, there's a catch:

  1. injury alert :: overstretching before exercise can lead to muscle strains or even injuries. play it safe and stick to gentle stretches, and always use the right technique.

why we stretch after a workout ::

post-workout stretching is a different game. it's all about recovery and long-term flexibility. here's why it's important:

  1. recovery magic :: after a workout, your muscles need some TLC. post-workout stretching helps them relax and recover, helping to reduce those dreaded post-exercise aches and pains.

  2. flexibility for the long haul :: regular post-workout stretching can make you more flexible over time. think of it as an investment in your future athletic prowess, helping you avoid injuries down the road.

  3. cool down :: post-workout stretches act as a gentle cool-down session. they help your heart rate and breathing return to normal, signaling to your body that it's time to wind down.

when it comes to stretching, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. the right choice depends on your goals and the type of exercise you're doing. many find that a mix of both pre- and post-workout stretching hits the sweet spot. start with dynamic stretches before your workout to warm up, and finish with static stretches afterward to aid recovery and boost flexibility.

remember, it's all about balance and listening to your body. if you're ever unsure about the best approach for your unique needs, consider chatting with a fitness pro—hey hi! we’re always here to help! (info@femmeroyale.com) the key is to find the stretching routine that helps you reach your fitness goals and keeps your body feeling fantastic. so, go ahead, stretch your limits – in the right way!

here are some examples of pre- and post- workout stretches.

pre-workout stretches ::

  1. leg swings :: stand next to a wall or support, swing one leg forward and backward in a controlled manner. this dynamic stretch helps loosen up the hip and leg muscles.

  2. arm circles :: extend your arms straight out to the sides and make small circles. gradually increase the size of the circles to warm up your shoulder joints and upper body.

  3. lunges with a twist :: take a step forward into a lunge position and then twist your upper body gently in the direction of your front leg. this stretch combines leg mobility with a torso rotation.

  4. hip flexor stretch :: step into a lunge position, with one leg forward and the other extended behind you. push your hips forward slightly to feel a stretch in the front of your hip and thigh.

  5. cat-cow stretch :: if you're doing yoga or a workout that involves your spine, start with this stretch. get on your hands and knees, arch your back like a cat, then drop your belly and lift your head like a cow.

post-workout stretches:

  1. hamstring stretch :: sit on the floor with one leg extended and the other bent so that the sole of your foot touches the inner thigh of the extended leg. reach forward toward your toes, keeping your back straight.

  2. quadriceps stretch :: stand on one leg and grab your ankle behind you, pulling it towards your glutes. this stretches the front of your thigh.

  3. cobra pose :: lie face down with your palms near your shoulders. push up with your arms, arching your back to stretch your abdominal muscles and the front of your torso.

  4. child's pose: kneel on the floor, sit back on your heels, and reach your arms forward. this stretch is great for the lower back and hips.

  5. butterfly stretch :: sit on the floor, bring the soles of your feet together, and gently push your knees toward the ground. This stretch targets the inner thighs and groin.

  6. triceps stretch :: extend one arm overhead and bend it at the elbow, reaching down your back. use your other hand to gently push on the bent elbow.

  7. figure-four stretch :: the figure-four stretch involves crossing one ankle over the opposite knee while seated, gently pressing down on the bent knee to stretch the hip and glute muscles. (my personal fav!)