what is zone 2 cardio? and why is it important?

zone 2 cardio is a way of talking about a certain level of exercise that's good for your heart and body. think of it like a game with different levels of difficulty.

Zone 2 is like a middle-level difficulty. it's not too easy, like sitting on the couch, and it's not too hard, like sprinting as fast as you can. it's just right in the middle.

when you do Zone 2 cardio, you're doing exercises that make your heart beat a bit faster than normal, but not so fast that you're out of breath. you should still be able to talk while you're exercising without struggling for words.

some exercises that are good for Zone 2 cardio are things like jogging at a moderate pace, riding your bike at a steady speed, or even brisk walking. it's like going for a nice bike ride in the park or a gentle jog around your neighborhood.

doing Zone 2 cardio is great for your heart because it helps it get stronger and healthier. it's like giving your heart a little workout to make it even better at pumping blood around your body.

so! remember, Zone 2 cardio is like the middle level of exercise where you're moving, but you're not huffing and puffing, and it's really good for your heart!