differentiating between feeling lazy and respecting your body's need for rest

for me, I like to have a routine. and if that routine ever gets a little off, that’s ok, we can always roll with. so with this routine I wake up between 5:30-6:15am. depending on how early I get up, determines if I have time to read or not. then I’ll get up, make my bed, brush my teeth, get ready for the gym and go! I’ll get there by 7am and finish by 8:30am. and most mornings this works out perfectly for me. but some mornings I just can’t get out of bed. and something I’ve had to work on understanding is whether to honor my body allow myself to rest a little longer, or if I’m just being lazy. and let me tell you, the line is thin. but I do recognize how important rest is! this has taken some trial and error but here I am. and now I want to help you! this may be one of those “hard truth” moments, but that’s ok. recognizing when you’re being lazy is a big step in itself and huge for personal development.

now I do want to say that distinguishing between being lazy and honoring your body's need for rest can be challenging, as it requires self-awareness and an understanding of your own physical and mental state. below are some guidelines I’ve come up with to help you differentiate between the two:

  1. evaluate your overall routine:

    • lazy: consistently avoiding responsibilities or tasks without a valid reason or explanation.

    • honoring your body: taking scheduled breaks and rest when you've been engaged in demanding physical or mental activities.

  2. listen to your body:

    • lazy: ignoring your body's signals when you are capable of being productive but choose not to.

    • honoring your body: paying attention to signs of fatigue, such as physical exhaustion, mental burnout, or persistent stress, and responding with appropriate rest.

  3. set realistic goals and priorities:

    • lazy: procrastinating or avoiding tasks that you know are important and achievable within your current capacity.

    • honoring your body: recognizing when you've been working hard and need a break to recharge before tackling important tasks.

  4. be mindful of your intentions:

    • lazy: often rooted in a lack of motivation or discipline, where you simply don't want to put in the effort required.

    • honoring your body: recognizing that rest is essential for your well-being and long-term productivity, so you consciously make time for it.

  5. consider your physical and mental health:

    • lazy: avoiding activities or responsibilities due to laziness, even when you are physically and mentally well.

    • honoring your body: prioritizing rest and self-care when you are experiencing physical or mental health issues that require attention and recovery.

  6. evaluate your long-term goals:

    • lazy: engaging in a pattern of avoidance that hinders your personal and professional growth over time.

    • honoring your body: Recognizing that rest and self-care are essential components of achieving your long-term goals and overall well-being.

    if you’re unsure, don’t be afraid seek feedback from others. whether that’s friends, family, coworkers, or your therapist, ask someone who’s input you value. their input can provide you with an external perspective on whether they feel your behavior leans more toward laziness or self-care.

it's important to remember that rest and relaxation are crucial for your physical and mental health. being too hard on yourself or constantly pushing your limits can lead to burnout and health issues. on the other hand, being consistently lazy and avoiding responsibilities can hinder your personal growth and lead to feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction. striking a balance between rest and productivity is key to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life.