set your move goals for 2024

this is our friendly reminder to take the time to write down your goals for this year. big, small, short-term, long-term, there’s no limit here. to help you get started, we’ve created a guide to help you on your 2024 goal-setting journey. grab your journal and a pen and get to it!

first things first, take a moment to think about where you're at right now with your fitness. This self-assessment sets the stage for some exciting goals.

  • what do you enjoy?

  • what areas could use a bit of improvement?

now, when it comes to setting goals, think SMART. you know, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. it might sound like a bit of a buzzword, but it really helps in keeping things focused and doable.

do you have a bunch of goals in mind? that’s great! time to prioritize them based on what matters most to you and what you can realistically tackle. oh, and don't forget to mix it up — throw in some cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance stuff to keep it interesting. add in your goal mile time, your surfing goals, your 200m freestyle swim time, or whatever suits you best!

if you're eyeing a big, long-term goal, break it into bite-sized pieces. it makes tracking progress a whole lot easier and less overwhelming. and speaking of progress, make friends with both outcome and process goals. want to run a half marathon? great! now, what's the plan to get there?

time to put a timeline on these goals. be real about how much time you can actually commit. life gets busy, right? also, tie your goals to something personal. why do you want to achieve them? connecting to the 'why' is like having a secret weapon against laziness.

don't forget to keep tabs on your progress. whether it's jotting things down in a journal or using an app, it's like a high-five from past you to future you. and hey, life changes. stay flexible, adjust goals when needed, and don't stress the small stuff.

consider having a chat with a fitness pro if you're feeling a bit lost. a personal trainer or a nutrition whiz can give you the inside scoop on setting the right goals and making a plan that fits your groove. (hint! that’s us!)

so, there you have it! setting fitness goals is like planning a roadmap for an exciting adventure. be smart about it, stay flexible, and enjoy the journey!