2-ingredient high-protein frozen greek yogurt with olive oil and sea salt recipe (souvla remake!)

if you can’t tell by now I love Souvla. maybe too much? I would frequent their shop for some frozen greek yogurt weekly—specifically the frozen greek yogurt topped with extra-virgin olive oil and flaky sea salt. once I got a creami, I decided to give it a go for myself at home. while I do love Souvla, I’m not entirely sure what’s all included in their frozen greek yogurt but when I make it at home I know exactly what’s in it—just frozen greek yogurt. bonus that it’s also high-protein. and! the nice thing about these recipes is that they’re so easy. but also so delicious? why does that thick creamy ice cream texture make everything better? so here ya go!


  • 1.5 cups fage greek yogurt

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil


  • extra-virgin olive oil drizzle

  • flaky sea salt (we love maldon salt!)


all you need to do is add everything into your creami cup and let it sit in the freezer. so! add your greek yogurt, vanilla extract, and 2 tbsp of olive oil to your cup, stir it together, and place it in the freezer for at least 4 hours. we like to make ours the night before and have it the next day.

once it’s frozen, let it sit out for ~10-15 minutes then place it in the creami maker and hit the ice cream button.

once that’s done, remove the cup, add a little liquid (you can use milk, nut milk, or water) and hit respin.

take it out, scoop up your frozen greek yogurt, drizzle with olive oil and flaky sea salt + voila! you’re ready for some delicious high-protein frozen greek yogurt.